Saturday, June 20, 2009

Weekend hike in Springbrook National Park

Hannah, Chris, and Charis stand in a hollowed out tree for a slightly blurry picture

I am not sure what the name of this waterfall is, but we took the hiking trail down into the ravine to get a better look at it.

Hannah looking out at the vast wilderness

A small waterfall that we saw on the trail

Juan is feeling the power of the wind the waterfall creates. The trail allowed us to walk behind the waterfall and view it on the other side.

Jenna, Juan, Joline, Brian, Kale, and Sarah

Kale (my roommate) climbing a vine. Kale is a small kid inside a large hungry body. He only wore sandals to the park and often went off the trail. Luckily he didn't encounter anything that could hurt him

Kale trying to climb a waterfall

Juan "passed out" after the long decent into the ravine

Juan is revived by Joline and Lisa

A crawdad Kale found in the river

We found a tree full of beautiful parrots. Unfortunately, this was the only good picture I could get.

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