Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Byron Bay Road Trip

A group of us decided to go to Byron Bay since we had a free weekend. There we stayed at another YWAM base and just spent the time relaxing and site seeing.

The farm next to us had horses

We went to a good lookout point from which we could see Byron Bay and the ocean

We went to an old rock query where some guys went cliff jumping into the pond that has formed

Kale decides to go check the depth of the water where they want to cliff jump

Sarah Williams enjoying the outdoors

This lighthouse rests near Australia's most eastern point in Byron Bay. I thought I would like to go to the most eastern point but on the way, I ended rolling my ankle and my friends has to carry me back to the van. It was not very fun.

The beautiful Byron Bay beach. It was a bit too cold for me to go swimming, not to mention I didn't have my swimsuit and a rolled ankle

Here is the hike that I didn't get the opportunity to go on due to my rolled ankle

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

School of Biblical Christian Worldview (SBCW) Graduation

This is the SBCW class that graduated last Friday night after about 3 months of intense lectures and paper writing.

They all love me

Me and my roommates (Kale and Jeremy)

Jeremy made a clear tie for graduation


This is Shane Wang

Shane is a ninja. Enough said.

The Lowly Mission Builders, or what we (me and Amy) have been dubbed

This is Paul. He was in the Solomon Islands for most of the time that I was here, but I was able to hang out with him the first day I arrived so it was really great to have him back.

After the graduation, we went downtown to enjoy some coffee and socializing